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Got Sunshine?

One of the most beneficial things you can do for your health is to dance naked in the sun for 20-30 minutes each day.

Nearly all life on Earth is fueled by light from the sun. Most plants use the energy of sunlight, along with carbon dioxide and water, to produce simple sugars in a process called photosynthesis. The sugars are used as building blocks and in energetic processes for growth.

Humans use light from the sun indirectly by consuming the plants whereby the plant sugars and other molecular components are then broken down, releasing stored solar energy required for our life force.

People also benefit from direct sunlight as the sun's rays penetrate through their eyes to their plant like gland, the pineal gland located in the deep center of the brain which regulates the numerous biological functions by processing the body's exposure to regular day and night cycles.

Skin exposure to direct sunlight stimulates vitamin D production and solar chelation. Researchers have found that the dietary Vitamin D found in milk and vitamin supplements is not a sufficient replacement to the Vitamin D that is produced by exposure to the sun for the maintenance of healthy bones and teeth and at high levels, dietary Vitamin D has been found to be very toxic. Additionally, when the system is not able to effectively chelate toxins through elimination, the rays of the sun will draw excess toxins out through the skin. This can be evidenced in perspiration, rashes, even melanomas.

In a 1980 study, it was concluded that exposure to sunlight produces the same benefits as exercise: increases in strength, energy, endurance, tolerance to stress, and the ability of the blood to absorb and carry oxygen; and decreasing the resting heart rate, blood pressure, respiratory rate, blood sugar and lactic acid.

Sunlight has been scientifically proven in numerous studies to reduce serum cholesterol levels.

In a study conducted by The American Society for the Study of Arteriosclerosis, 97% of the subjects had a 13% decrease in the level of cholesterol within two hours after the first exposure. The Natural Psoriasis Foundation reports that 80% of the people suffering from Psoriasis improve when exposed to sunlight.

A lack of sunlight, on the other hand, is considered one of the primary causes of seasonal affective disorder (SAD), a serious form of the "winter blues". In many northern European countries, studies have found that a direct correlation exists between decreased exposure to sunlight and a higher incidence of insomnia, irritability, alcoholism, depression, and suicide.

The possible dangers related to sun exposure happen to those with nutritional and anti-oxidant deficiencies due to subsisting on the conventional American diet. Sunscreen is far more dangerous than sun exposure with the heavy metals, mineral oil and genetically modified plant oils and other chemicals they contain that are absorbed into the body through the skin. The best protection from overexposure from the sun is eating a nutrient rich diet and conditioning the skin with gradual exposures slowly increasing to 20-30 minutes daily.