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Healthy Diet

Dietary Parameters of Workability For Maximum Health and Vitality

The following suggested protocol has been developed to enhance the correct parameters necessary for optimal digestion, reversing physical degeneration by detoxifying and rebuilding the body on a cellular level, repopulating the digestive tract with microorganisms and providing some of nature’s most powerful health promoting elements which are electrically and biologically available.

The body runs on electrical energy and has an electrical system. Quantum Physics verifies that there is nothing but energy in our universe while in his book, The Genie in Your Genes, Dawson Church, PhD describes the body’s electrical system components as the muscle tissue, connective tissue, cell membranes, the myelin sheath of the nerve cells, the rod and cone cells in our eyes and the DNA in our genes.

Contrary to traditional nutritional understanding, we eat to accomplish an electrical transfer of energy from food to you through the process of digestion. Vitamins, amino acids, and the like are managed bio-elementally in an intricate, cooperative electrical process of exchange between our digestive tract and the microorganisms within it. According to Denie Heistand in his book, Electrical Nutrition, and Saul Liss, PhD, the body obtains and sustains its energy or life force by ingesting available amino acids and minerals. Nourishment from this perspective requires certain rules about what to eat, what not to eat and what to eat together, or not.

While correct dietary elements and food combining are paramount to your good health the fact is that regardless of the quality of the food you are eating, your diet will be deficient without supplementation. Replacing the vital components lost in our degrading environment will provide an electrical nutritional balance to restore your body’s innate ability to be well physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.


Using the “rock to rot” theory as outlined in detail in the book, "Electrical Nutrition” by Denie Hiestand, is the best approach when in doubt about what is good for you to eat. This means that food which will rot within 7 days if left to set out on your counter will break down in your stomach’s digestive juices within the three hours your stomach has to accomplish fermentation. Food that has not been sufficiently “rotted” or fermented in your stomach requires your intestine to attempt to process unprepared material, preventing the natural function of the small intestine.

Your body prepares itself to eliminate upon rising or shortly thereafter during the early morning hours before waking. Eating fruit for breakfast is light enough so as not to slow elimination while the fructose is a natural stimulation. We recommend eating fruit in the morning along with your mineral supplement, your probiotics. Heavy cream with a bowl of fruit is beneficial as the amino acids in the cream stimulate peristaltic action.

The amounts and times of day the rest of your meals are taken are very personal and optional as long as you keep within a few basic guidelines and allow your biology to guide you to knowing its needs. The basic rules are as follows;

Do not eat grain or seeds. PERIOD

We simply cannot break open the cellular structure of insoluble fiber through chewing and the three hours of our digestive process in the stomach, making the nutrients in the grains and seeds completely unavailable to us. Since this is so, eating grain requires excessive insulin in the effort of digestion which creates a very high acid environment, acidosis, causing an optimum opportunity for Candida overgrowth as well as several other equally disturbing and undesirable conditions.

Do not eat starch as in potatoes, squash or legumes with animal protein

Digestion begins with the sight, smell and thought of the food we are about to eat so that saliva and digestive fluids are ready when the meal begins. Protein and starch require opposite solutions for fermentation. Eating them at the same time causes opposing solutions to mix and neutralize stopping the digestive process and causing buildup of methane and other harmful toxins.

Do not eat fruits and vegetables together

As with protein and starch, fruits and vegetables require different digestive solutions for fermentation.

Stay away from refined sweeteners

High fructose corn syrup, sorbitol, white granulated sugars and the like are simply poison to the system. Stevia, raw honey, sorghum molasses are acceptable in moderation.

DO EAT as fresh and raw as possible, including your meats and eggs

In our clinical experience a simple, basic diet is easy to understand and demands a willingness to change views and habits.

Human beings need to eat protein often in the form of fresh meat and fat (lamb, beef, fish, pork, fowl, eggs, etc.), as raw as possible, for the electrically available amino acids, large amounts of minerals and soluble fiber. Current, generally accepted cautions regarding too much fat in the diet do not apply in a grain free dietary lifestyle.

Vegetables and especially fruits are a good source of soluble fiber which feed the micro organisms in our intestinal tract. Yes, it does feed Candida. However a healthy intestinal tract does not have a Candida overgrowth while Candida does have its place in a healthy gut.

Use whole milk, cream, cheese and real butter often, preferably raw

Lactose intolerance, as most other allergies, is a simple result of a gut imbalance which will restore itself as the body returns to its natural state.

Stay Hydrated

Natural clean water is nearly impossible to obtain. Treated water is toxic to the body. Filtered water ends up with hardened cellular membranes making it difficult for the body to absorb, requiring excessive amounts of intake that leach precious minerals and strip delicate tissues. Filtered water with a little added moist sea salt, pro-biotic and Cell Food provides excellent hydration and lessens the thirst.


With a healthy population of micro organisms in the digestive tract, sufficient mineral intake and a balanced, electrically available diet, traditional vitamin and dietary supplements are rarely, if ever necessary. The supplements we recommend are the elements that are missing from the food chain as a result of the degradation taking place in our environment.


Conventional agriculture, shipping and packaging methods destroy most micro organisms needed for health. Pro-biotics in our gut keep us clean through natural chelation of toxins and provide 80% of our immunity.

They synthesize all needed vitamins, perform electrical recognition of amino acids and minerals. Soil born or transient, non-colonizing pro-biotics which are intended by nature to occur in almost every bite of our food and are not present, need to be supplemented continuously.


Due to the degradation of our food supply by over farming and pollution supplementing with a wide array of bio-available, colloidal minerals carrying a natural negative electrical charge is paramount to our health. Minerals are necessary for all electrolysis in the body which is important for cellular regeneration and chelation.

Advanced Oxygen Therapy

Although not a food or food supplement we strongly suggest everyone consider an initial and regular periodic theraputic use of Advanced Oxygen Therapy. We consider this the only dependable method to rid the body of pathogens.

Again, this suggested protocol is offered as a result of our personal and clinical experience. These are general suggestions for anyone interested in enhancing their own health and wellness. This basic methodology allows for significant personal choice as we consider it appropriate for people to manage themselves personally, mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. We are available for further discussion and more specific recommendations on request. Persons experiencing more moderate or severe concerns may benefit from a personal consult.

Suggested Reading

Electrical Nutrition by Denie Hiestand
Fiber Menace by Konstantin Monastyrsky
The Vegetarian Myth by Lierre Keith